Sporting Goods Sale
This event is all about the kids! Come out and help support our youth. This is the opportunity to come sell all your kids gently used sports equipment or gently used work out equipment. You are also welcome to donate sports and wellness items to Belen Pop Warner Football and Cheer will sell them, all proceeds will go to our young athletes. If you would like to set up a table to sell items contact Cassandra Johnson @ 505-306-2958. We are just asking for a 10% donation as a set up fee.
For 3pts contest contact Welky Theodore for registration 505-489-1258 or Kristin Koenig $5 entry fee
For Quarterback challenge contact Cassandra Johnson for registration 505-306-2958 $5 entry fee
For 3pts contest contact Welky Theodore for registration 505-489-1258 or Kristin Koenig $5 entry fee
For Quarterback challenge contact Cassandra Johnson for registration 505-306-2958 $5 entry fee